Questions and Answers
What did the Assembly do?
The 219th General Assembly (2010) amended and approved a commissioner’s resolution that calls for the Presbyterian
Church (U.S.A.) to:
* “refrain from holding national meetings at hotels in those states where travel by immigrant Presbyterians or Presbyterians of color or Hispanic ancestry might subject them to harassment due to legislation similar to Arizona Law SB 1070/HB2162”;
* “offer nonfinancial support for the creation of accompaniment programs to support persons of color who feel that they are at risk when attending church‐sponsored worship or programs” in congregations and camp & conference facilities;
* Encourage camps & conference centers in Arizona and other states that pass similar laws to “develop ‘sanctuary’ responses that would create safe places for all participants”...; and
* Develop educational and legal resources for congregations through the PC(USA) office of immigration.
The vote was 420‐205, with 18 abstentions.
What does it mean?
The PC(USA) will now refrain from holding national meetings in the state of Arizona, and will monitor the progress of similar legislation to Arizona Law SB 1070/HB2162 that is currently being considered in seventeen other states (as of June 23, 2010). As directed by this assembly, the PC(USA) will refrain from holding national meetings in states that pass such copycat legislation.
What’s next?
Steps will begin to develop the programs and resources that are detailed in the assembly action.
Where can I get more information?
Full text of the resolution
Immigration Issues information from the PC(USA) website
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